Meeting of the Board of Directors CRA Quarter Century Club

January 11 , 2017 – Minutes


Guy Proulx
Teri Carucci
Lucie Houle
Lisa Rondeau
Joanne St-Georges
Odette Beaubien
Robert Way
J-F Normand
Wendy Potvin
Brian McCauley
Sheila Willis (by phone)
Leslie Lawry (by phone)
Michael Snaauw (by phone)


Anne Morin
Ann Perry


Guy Proulx welcomed the directors to the meeting and wished everyone a Happy New Year.

Minutes of the meeting of November 9, 2016

The minutes of the meeting of November 9, 2017 were approved and have been posted on the QCC website.

Financial Overview

Teri Carucci indicated that the bank account balance is at $3,500.00 which includes $500.00 deposit for the boat cruise of August 2017.

The 2016 annual financial statement will be finalized after December 31 and then posted on the Website. The 2013, 2014 and 2015 financial statements are now posted on the Website.

Update of Past Events

Christmas Luncheon – December 1, 2016

This event was hosted by Lysanne Gauvin and Wendy Potvin at the Heart and Crown in the Ottawa Byward Market. Wendy reported that 65 people attended. This event generated $135.00 for the QCC from the 50/25/25 draw. Robert Way also donated two bottles of wine as a door prize. Generous donations of unwrapped toys and money were collected for Toy Mountain and were brought to the CTV headquarters, a sponsor of Toy Mountain, located on George Street after the luncheon.

Planning and Task Assignment 2017 Activities

Annual General Meeting – Future Plans

At the November 9, 2016 meeting, it was agreed that the AGM format needed to be revisited. In the past, the QCC subsidized approximately $1,500.00 for this event. Since there are no legal requirements to have an AGM, the financial reporting could be done at any QCC event during the year. With this in mind, the members discussed a variety of options to ensure the QCC members would still have an opportunity to network and the QCC Board present its financial report and overview of the past and future activities. It was unanimously decided that the current format is no longer feasible. Leslie Lawry will inform the Hellenic Meeting and Reception Center that we will no longer need the hall for October 12, 2017.

Two options were put on the table:

  • Option 1 : include the AGM with an already scheduled event
  • Option 2 : include the AGM with a dinner at a restaurant where members would pay their own meal – no entertainment would be included

Joanne St-Georges presented possible venues for a dinner with wine pairing. She knows a couple who are sommelier and has a friend that owns an Italian restaurant downtown “Tosca” that could be canvassed to host a nice dinner. We can also, look at other venues if this doesn’t work. The committee has asked Joanne to look into this and come back with more details regarding menu, cost and location.

At the end of the discussion, it was decided to have a dinner sometime in October which would be presented to the QCC members as a new activity.

The committee will decide at a later date when the AGM information will be presented.

The committee thanked and applauded Leslie Lawry for all the hard work with the organization of the previous AGMs.

Winter Lunch – February 22, 2017

Brian will speak with Anne Morin regarding the location and will finalize the poster for Sheila to send out in the next couple of weeks.

Potential New Activities

Joanne and Lucie will explore the feasibility of having an activity on the Quebec side.

Leslie will explore having a “PaintNite” reserved for QCC members.

The Wine or Beer tasting is on hold as we will probably have a dinner with wine pairing sometime in October 2017.

The 9-hole golf in the fall is on hold.

QCC Executives

Guy formally announced that Sylvia Faulkner has resigned from the Board of Directors due to personal circumstances. Guy invited members to think about other possible candidates within the workforce to join the committee. And, if possible, have a representation from the different branches.

QCC Website

All updates have been done by our Website consultant. We now have fillable forms for curling and golf which will go directly to the organizers of the events.

Wendy will ensure that we have the latest archive copy of the website from CRA.

Other Items

QCC members survey

Joanne St-Georges drafted a survey for the membership to gather information regarding their interests in the club activities. A copy was distributed for the directors’ comments at a future meeting. It will be decided how we distribute this survey once we know if Guy will be able to meet with the branches’ management team.

E-transfer of funds

As some members are asking to pay for the QCC activities through PayPal and e-transfer, it was reiterated that these options are not feasible.

Since members are regularly asking, a suggestion of having a Q&A on our Website was put on the table. The directors agreed with this suggestion. Lisa will draft the Q&A and present to the Board. Consideration should be given to having more Qs&As.

QCC Visibility

Michael Snaauw briefed the new Commissioner, Mr. Hamilton in September 2016. Michael will ask for this item to be on the AMC agenda shortly. After this presentation, we will be able to move forward with the next steps of our visibility plan. More to come.

Items to be discussed at future meetings

Some board members have indicated issues in filling out the financial statement form for each individual event. This issue will be discussed further at a future meeting. The form may need to be simplified.

Joanne St-Georges drafted a survey for the membership to gather information regarding their interests in the club activities. A copy was distributed for the directors’ comments at a future meeting.

Ann P. will set up a Drop Box and send to Lisa and Leslie for testing. They will report back at the next meeting.

Consideration should be given to having more Qs&As for the Website.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 5:00 pm at the Train Yards.