Meeting of the Board of Directors CRA Quarter Century Club

September 12, 2016 – Minutes


Teri Caruci
Sylvia Faulkner
Lysanne Gauvin
Lucie Houle
Leslie Lawry
Ann Perry
Guy Proulx
Lisa Rondeau (by phone)
Robert Way
Sheila Willis (by phone)

Present – Observer

Joanne St- Georges


Brian McCauley
Anne Morin
J-F Normand
Wendy Potvin
Michael Snaauw


Guy Proulx welcomed the directors to the meeting. Guy thanked Joanne St- Georges for her interest in becoming a director of the QCC and indicated that Joanne will need to be elected to the position at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM). Guy mentioned that he will not be able to attend the AGM and will provide his comments to the master of ceremonies – Lucie Houle- to share with the membership at the AGM.

Joanne mentioned that she had the name of another person who is interested in becoming a director of the QCC. It was agreed that Joanne would speak with this person to ensure that this person is still interested in joining the Board of the QCC. Joanne will let Guy know the outcome of her conversation. If this person still wants to be a director, Guy will then speak with the person concerned. Lysanne Gauvin indicated that she is stepping down from the Board of Directors. Lucie agreed to take on the position of Secretary.

Minutes of the meeting of May 25, 2016

Minutes of the meeting of May 25, 2016

Financial Overview

Teri Caruci indicated that the bank account balance is $6,014.05. All cheques have cleared. The balance will be reduced for a reimbursement to Robert Way for the golf tournament and Leslie for the Elvis impersonator at the upcoming AGM. All in all, the bank balance is at a good level.

Update of Past Events

Golf Tournament – June 6, 2016

Guy, Lucie and Robert provided an update. They indicated that it was a fun day. There were about 80 participants. A net contribution of $506.00 was made to the QCC from the golf day including the proceeds from the 50/25/25 draw.

It was agreed to repeat this event for June 5, 2017. Guy will book the golf course. It was also agreed to look at the potential of teaming up with the Young Professional Network for the next year’s golf tournament in order to have new participants in the event.

Boat Cruise – August 17, 2016

This was a new event for the QCC and was hosted by Guy and Lisa Rondeau. This event generated a net profit of $2,177.86 for the QCC. It was agreed that this was a great evening and a great success.

It was agreed to go ahead and book the larger boat for the same evening for the finale of the fireworks for 2017. The exact date will be determined in the coming months. Participants provided valuable feedback that will be addressed for the next boat cruise. It was a bit crowded on the boat. To address this concern, the bigger boat will be booked for next year. In addition, more tables and chairs will be made available. This means that although the bigger boat can handle about 330 people, only about 280 tickets will be sold at an anticipated price of $30.00 per ticket.

It was also agreed that it would be better if the boat were to return to shore as soon as the fireworks are over rather than spend extra time on the river. It was also agreed that it would be good to have a “tour guide” provide commentary of the various sights on land that can be seen from the river. It was also agreed to have a safety session at the start of the cruise and to ensure that the music is not quite as loud.

Upcoming Events

QCC Golf and 5 a 7 - September 15, 2016

Lucie and Robert will host this event. Twenty-four people indicated that they will play golf – with a shot gun start at about 2:00 pm - and 26 have indicated that they will participate in the dinner at the Royal Oak. It’s expected that about 30 people will ultimately stay for the dinner. All golfers have paid the required fees.

Sheila Willis was thanked for sending out the announcement and reminders for this event.

Sheila Willis was thanked for sending out the announcement and reminders for this event.

Ann Perry will be hosting this event. Ann P. indicated that the curling facility is booked and that the announcement is ready to be sent out by Sheila. Sheila reminded us that all announcements to be sent out to the membership must be sent to her in “word” format.

Entertainment Night and Annual General Meeting – October 20, 2016

Leslie Lawry and Sylvia Faulkner will host this event. They indicated that the menu and the entertainment are set and the initial “save the date” announcement has been provided to the membership. Leslie stated that she has received cheques from participants and these will be deposited to the QCC bank account shortly.

The hall rental is $400.00 and the entertainer is $500.00. The ticket price is $50.00 and includes a QCC subsidy of $10.00 to $15.00 per person. Leslie and Lucie will be the MCs for this event. Brian McCauley has agreed to organize the donations for the Ottawa Food Bank.

It was agreed to have 10 gift certificates from the LCBO as draw prizes with each certificate worth $20.00. It was also agreed to run a 50/25/25 draw. Reminders to the membership will be sent out in the coming weeks.

Teri indicated that the interim financial statement for 2016 will be available for the AGM. Joanne agreed to help with the production of the nametags.

It was also agreed to book the same location for the AGM for 2017 and 2018. The dates are October 12, 2017 and October 18, 2018.

Christmas Luncheon – December 1, 2016

This event will be hosted by Lysanne and Wendy Potvin. Lysanne indicated that the Heart and Crown in the Ottawa market has been booked. The announcement will be sent out to members in early November 2016 and will ask for donations to Toy Mountain.

Potential New Activities

Brian will be speaking with organizers of the Osgoode wine and tasting event to gather information concerning the reasonable cost of participating at this specific wine tasting. Brian will provide an update at the next meeting.

QCC Website

Guy said that he was bundling the updates to the website to keep our costs down. The web consultant will receive shortly, for posting, the financial statements for 2013, 2014 and 2015 and the results of the June 2016 golf tournament.

It was agreed that the first iteration of the website is working well. It was also agreed to explore the costs of posting to the new QCC website the registration forms for curling, golf and the AGM. It was also agreed to look at the possibility of having a ‘rolling” calendar of events which might include a link to the relevant announcement and form or possibly setting up a “what’s new” section on the website. Guy undertook to speak with the website consultant to find out the best and most cost effective way of potentially accomplishing this.

QCC Visibility

With the appointment of a new Commissioner, Bob Hamilton, promotion activities of the QCC, within the CRA, are currently on hold. Michael Snaauw will be briefing Mr. Hamilton in September 2016. Once the briefing is done, we will then know the next steps concerning a potential information session to the Agency Management Committee and various Branch Management Committees as well as the use of the QCC poster and the reminder to staff.

Annual Reminder

Lucie agreed that she would review, for accuracy, the letter that is sent to the recognition coordinators. A review of the letter provided to employees who reach the 25 years of service milestone will also be reviewed. Once these reviews are completed, the letters will be ready for distribution by the CRA.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 9 2016 at 5:00 pm at the Train Yards.