Meeting of the Board of Directors CRA Quarter Century Club

January 6, 2016 - Minutes


Assistant Commissioner’s Boardroom
Room 6025, 6th Floor
395 Terminal Avenue


Guy Proulx
Teri Carucci
Ann Perry
Jean-François Normand
Brian McCauley
Sylvia Faulkner
Lisa Rondeau
Robert Way
Michael Snaauw (by phone)
Lucie Houle (by phone)
Sheila Willis (by phone)


Lysanne Gauvin
Anne Morin
Leslie Lawry
Wendy Potvin


Previous meeting minutes: The minutes of the October 28, 2015 meeting were approved by consensus.

Financial overview – (Teri advised that we have just under $4K in our bank account. We aim to have around $5K to allow for uncertainties. We should aim for breakeven or better with our events. We normally lose money with our AGM and we should strive to find an activity that would make money. Above balance excludes upcoming payments to our web developer that should be around 500$ or a bit less. Draft 2015financial statements to be circulated before March 2.

Calendar of events

Calendar of Events – a revised version of the overview sheet with all known dates was prepared by Lisa and circulated to members before the meeting.

Past events

Christmas luncheon: (Wendy & Lysanne) December 1, 2015 lunch held at Heart and Crown By Ward Market, 67 Clarence St. Ottawa K1N 5P5. Number of people booked - 60. Total in attendance 61. 50/50 $136 winner Danielle Zion. Same place booked for 2016.

Euchre evening (Ann P) November 25 only 24 attended, 14 were QCC members or relations compared to 30-40 last March. 2016 Euchre nights: next dates are Monday, March 14 and Wednesday, November 16. The QCC may need to revisit plans to hold this event if so few QCC members participate.

Fall Curling Bonspiel: (Ann Perry) -only 24 people came out, not as many as before. Only one raw on 3 sheets. Event made money (+$100 due to pizza and 50/50). Getting people to attend is getting harder and we may need to revisit continuation of this event or its frequency. Next dates are Friday, April 8 and Tuesday, October 18

Upcoming events

Euchre March 14th (Anne Perry)

Winter luncheon at Robbie’s - hosts Brian McCauley and Anne Morin. Date to be determined

Spring luncheon at Mill St Brew Pub - hosts Sylvia Faulkner, JF Normand and Lisa

Wine tasting, Host Brian McCauley
Brief discussion around how expensive an event like this can be and how it may just not attract a sufficient number of participants and lead to the QCC assuming risks around participation.
Brian will explore options to potentially include a beer tasting event.

18-hole golf event: (Guy, Robert, Lucie) annual golf and supper event will be held Monday, June 6 at Hammond Golf and Country Club, 600 Golf Rd, Hammond, ON K0A 2A0. Guy to arrange details.

Boat Cruise: (Guy and Lisa) August 17, 2016, during “Grands feux du Casino du Lac Leamy”. QCC boat cruise includes boat ride and close-up view of fireworks (pyro musical show and competition – competitor country yet to be announced) – cruise already booked. Tickets are to be sold for $25 Early Bird price, with one ticket given away as door prize at each event up to and including June 6 18-hole golf. After that date $30 per. Ticket give-a-ways (1 only at each event) should stimulate interest and ticket purchases for friends/partners of ticket winners.

9-hole golf: (Lucie, Robert) for 2016, combine “5-7 Happy hour” and “9 and Dine.” golf course TBA.
Thursday, September 15.

AGM: (Leslie, Sylvia) October 20th 2015 AGM and Comedy night Thursday, (Leslie) held at Hellenic Meeting and Reception Centre, 1315 Prince of Wales Dr. Ottawa K2C 1N2. Financial report is under completion including the 50/50 results. Received donations of 3 or 4 boxes of food and $385 cash for the Ottawa Food Bank (Brian). Brian has verified donor information re cash donations to ensure they receive their charitable donation receipts for tax purposes. Same place booked for 2016 and 2017. For 2016, Board is happy with last year's menu but Leslie may wish to raise this issue when she is present.

Winter lunch: (Anne M, Brian) will be held at Robbie’s Italian Restaurant, 1531 St Laurent Blvd at Belfast, Ottawa K1G 1A1. Possible February dates were discussed. Anne to contact Brian and confirm.
Date TBA

QCC Executives

Recruitment and departures. A person came to Wendy and would like to join. This item will be discussed further when Wendy will be present.

QCC Website

General discussion regarding the website. Folks who had visited the draft website were most complimentary.

Our strategy was to update the existing website prior to migrate to the new website but we are unfortunately falling far behind with our updates. The option of simply updating our new website rather than updating the new site was raised as a potential option to speed up the migration. Lisa suggested putting up current minutes and calendar – but only after web site is operational.

Robert mentioned testing the registration process; website accepted and sent a confirmation, but Internet returned the letter undeliverable. Ann P. noted email addresses will function correctly once the site goes live.

Any additional comments by committee members on the web site to be sent directly to Wendy or Sylvia. Test the site using this address –

Guy to connect with Wendy with a view to speed up the launch of our new website earlier, even if only partial with current info and not historical stuff. Website is key to many planned initiatives and timing is becoming most critical as we have pushed back many initiatives.

Other items

QCC Visibility

Michael Snaauw (Mike) joined via teleconference. Guy provided status of members, and status of web site (info from current site obtained from PAB), plus overview of discussion so far. It was agreed that Guy would initiate connection with the youth network by way of a meeting with Brian Philbin to be facilitated by Brian McCauley.

A meeting with AMC with an updated deck once our website is up was agreed as the best strategy. Mike to add presentation to AMC agenda for end of February meeting with potential further presentations to the branches in NCR.

Brian also to connect with unions to seek a sympathetic link on their web pages; suggested inquiring to branches if there is anything we can provide to help them publicize .

Mike reiterated the advantage of the Board developing a planned approach; the next two months with less planned business at AMC should provide a launch moment for presentation. Mike will wait for our signal that site is ready. Guy suggested date to be chosen in 2nd half of February.

QCC posters

Members were sent 3 suggested mock ups for the poster before this meeting. Discussion resulted in agreement of amalgamation of 2 of the 3 posters.

Lisa will continue to lead mock up changes based on above and share again with committee. Final version of poster is to be used in the visibility strategy.

Annual reminders

Lucie and Ann P. to point people to the website. Discussion of how to reach potential members with non CRA emails to encourage them to join.

Lucie: Annual Reminder to confirm procedures - to remind long service coordinators to include QCC information when retirees are selecting their long service gift.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on March 2, 2016.